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Papua New Guinea stands out amongst the world's most prospective geological terrains for porphyry copper-gold and epithermal gold mineralisation. World class deposits along the Papua Fold Belt include Grasberg-Ertzberg (copper-gold), Porgera (gold), Ok Tedi (copper-gold), Frieda River (copper-gold), Wafi/Golpu (copper-gold), Panguna (gold) and Lihir (gold). Importantly, the belt is under-explored.

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Kina has interests in three exploration licenses in the Milne Bay Province at the eastern extent of the Pauan Fold Belt. Two of these licenses correspond with a major structural corridor that crosses the centre of Normanby Island. The third is at Sudest Island in the Calvados chain of island’s.

The Normanby exploration licence encompasses gold-rich copper intrusion-related mineralisation and a low-sulphidation, epithermal gold resource. There has been limited recent exploration outside of the gold resource area despite extensive early regional reconnaissance. We regard the gold-rich copper intrusive-related mineralisation as a high priority advanced exploration opportunity with potential to discover a large-scale copper-gold deposit.

The Sudest exploration license has an extensive alluvial gold footprint and has been a historically important source of gold in PNG since the 1800’s.  There has been limited modern exploration to identify the source and mineralisation style of this gold.

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to learn more about our exploration strategy and operations.

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